Our Initiatives:
Identify current and emerging health and safety issues related to injury prevention.
Review provincial and national injury data and reports on injury prevention.
Establish provincial priorities for injury prevention programming.
Develop strategies to address priority injury prevention issues.
Identify and promote joint research and education related to injury prevention.
Identify and promote joint opportunities for inter-sectoral collaboration and coordination.
Implement and evaluate injury prevention initiatives.
Communicate to the public and responsible persons/groups injury prevention initiatives.
Our Progress:
There has been significant progress in building capacity to address injuries in the province. This progress includes:
Identifying organizations dedicated to addressing injuries.
Establishing and developing new initiatives across community and government levels.
Strategies in support of the umbrella injury prevention strategy (falls prevention, suicide prevention, surveillance, car seat safety, etc).
Improving advocacy, establishing an infrastructure and providing leadership.
Recent Initiatives:
2018 - NLIPC hosted the National Fall Prevention Conference with 150 participants and speakers from across Canada and around the world
2018 - NLIPC co-hosted with ACIP (Atlantic Collaborative on Injury Prevention) the Atlantic Injury Prevention Conference
2018 - NLIPC prepared and presented to Government NL a position paper on ATV safety
2018 - NLIPC joined the rest of Canada and celebrated Fall Prevention Month with events across Newfoundland and Labrador
2019 - NLIPC participated in the Safe Kids Expo
2019 - NLIPC promoted bicycle helmet safety with a Bike Helmet Photo Campaign
2019 - NLIPC celebrated Fall Prevention Month